WATCH THIS VIDEO AND copy & paste the SAMPLE responses below:

responses to common covid-19 FAQ’s



Daily Dose: How to Respond to Some of Your Resident’s Frequently Asked COVID-19 Questions

Time Investment: ⏰

Money Investment: Free

We know you are probably answering a lot of the same questions and so we are providing some responses as a starting point for your responses. Below are only samples and we ask that you confirm with your company about their specific policies.

RESPONSES Are Samples - please verify with your company first

Office closure - SIMPLE

Out of an abundance of caution and based on the recommendations of health officials as well as the CDC, our leasing office is temporarily closed to the public. Our team is still working hard for our residents and you can contact us via phone or email [insert contact information].


Office closures, limited maintenance & Packages


Out of an abundance of caution and based on the recommendations of health officials as well as the CDC, our leasing office is temporarily closed to the public. Our team is still working hard for our residents and you can contact us via phone or email [insert contact information].


You can pay rent online [insert instruction on how/where].

[You can get a line for rent concessions or late arrangements from the section below.]


We are no longer accepting packages at this time. All packages must be delivered to your individual home.


Our maintenance teams will only be responding to emergency maintenance requests.

Emergency maintenance requests include the following:


For all other requests, you can call our office and our team can try to walk you through a solution over the phone.

We appreciate your patience as we navigate these challenging times. Our number one concern is the wellbeing of our residents and our team. As always, we are here for you!


Response to no rent payment confusion

There has been much confusion on the internet about rent payments due to the COVID-19 outbreak. At this time, we are proceeding with normal rent policies but are more than happy to work with those residents that are experiencing financial difficulties.

For those who provide proof of loss of employment/income and inability to pay:

We will waive the late fee and enter into a payment arrangement and not pursue legal action in order to keep you in your apartment home. We would ask that you pay as much as you can toward your rent until unemployment benefits, government assistance or re-employment enables you to get caught up.

Our goal is to ensure we act in the best interest for our residents and our employees during these difficult times. We will also share any new information as it becomes available.

If you have any questions or want to discuss this further, please reach out to our team via phone or email [insert contact info]. We’ll get through this together and we appreciate your understanding and support!


Response to Amenity Closures

We appreciate you taking the time to express your concerns during this difficult time. Our team is fully available to assist you with answering any questions and assisting in any way possible via phone and email.

We are doing our part to take the appropriate precautions to assist in preventing the spread of COVID-19 as directed by our government. Our team is working around the clock to plan as the situation progresses. We have made the decision to close amenity spaces as a preventative measure for our staff and residents.

We are not adjusting rents or offering discounts at this time, but are happy to work with you on a payment plan if you are in a state of financial crisis. If at any point this changes, we will make sure to let you know.

This is a trying time for our entire country and we are doing everything in our control to act in the best interest of our residents and our hardworking team to support one another.

Thank you for understanding and again we will continue to provide updates as new information arises.

Here is how you can contact us [insert contact info] if you have any other questions or concerns.


If a resident confirms positive for COVID-19

We are aware of (insert number of cases) confirmed positive for COVID-19 at our community. We are not able to discuss individual health matters such as unit, floor or how the illness was contracted. We encourage all residents to review and follow CDC guidelines and recommendations for personal health and safety.

Below are some of the steps we are taking to follow the CDC guidelines:

  • Disinfecting with increased frequency:

- all door handles

- all elevator call buttons

- all stairway handles

- garbage chute handles

- hallways

- clean and wipe anything that people touch with hand including the mailboxes

  • Encouraging our employees to prioritize their health by practicing social distancing, frequently washing their hands and staying home if they are sick.

We will continue to provide you with updates as we have them. We’ll get through this together.

Here is how you can contact us [insert contact info] if you have any other questions or concerns.


Additional resources from National Apartment Association.