Daily Dose: What makes a good resident?
Time Investment: ⏰
Money Investment: FREE!
We’re all about the puns here, and this Daily Dose delivers! Remember that chemistry class you couldn’t stand in high school? We’re bringing it back, but in a much better way 😜! Check out this social media series that you can use to let your residents know all the things you appreciate about having them live at your community in our “What Makes a Good Resident?” campaign.
Grab the designs below - just click to download - and post them on your social platforms. Your residents are sure to have a good reaction to these chemistry jokes! (see what we did there) 😉
Mad lib caption:
“ What makes a good resident? We know all about that at _____Apartments. Why? Because our residents aren’t just good… they’re great! Our favorite part? They put smiles on our faces everyday.”
Mad lib caption:
“ FAQ time. We hate to see any of our residents leave, but come move-out time how should you leave your apartment? One word, clean. _____ Apartments appreciates you showing some love to our onsite team by leaving the apartment just like you found it. :) ”
Mad lib caption:
“ The team at _______ works hard to give you the BEST events we can! Show us some love by coming by to say hello! Not sure what or when something’s coming up? Swing by the office or check out our IG. We’ll always announce our upcoming events with plenty of time for you to make it ;) ”
Mad lib caption:
“ We love a happy face, and we especially love a happy face in our office! Come by and just say hey. We’ve always got time to visit with our residents and catch up! #_____ApartmentsLife”
Mad lib caption:
“ Patio rule #1: just keep it pretty! Thank you to our residents that keep it looking fresh everyday. You da best. If you ever aren’t sure what you can enjoy out there and what just doesn’t make the cut, let us know! We’ll have all your answers :) #PrettyPatios”
Mad lib caption:
“ Pups are the best… and pups also poo. 💩Don’t forget to scoop the poop! _______ Apartments team tries to keep our community in tip top shape 100% of the time, so please help out with your pets.
(Optional if you have them available) TIP: Don’t forget to use our dog run area to let your pup run freeeee! We have waste bags for your convenience. ”
Mad lib caption:
“ Help keep our earth clean. We’ve got recycling bins at _______ (Location) that will get picked up _______ (Schedule). Questions about what you can include? Hit us up at the office - we’ll have some info for you.”
Mad lib caption:
“ Friends make the best neighbors. Do us all a favor (yourself included!), and get yourself a referral bonus. _____ Apartments gives you $_____ (Bonus amount) for each person you refer who leases!”
Mad lib caption:
‘‘ Good residents…give good reviews. Show us some love! Check us out on Google and Yelp (or any other spot they can leave a review) to let us know what we are doing right. The team at _____ Apartment thanks you in advance! ”
Mad lib caption:
“ We love our residents when they SMILE. Be a good neighbor and let’s see those pearly whites! Pop in to say hi at the office - we’ve got a smile for you too. :) ”
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