Daily Dose: Creating a Neighborhood Perks Guide
Where we live matters and a large amount of apartment marketing involves marketing your location. Our residents really are buying into a neighborhood, not just an apartment. So the more we can weave in the benefits of the neighborhood, the deeper roots our residents will plant with us.
This month, look for partnership opportunities with local businesses to build a Neighborhood Perks Guide (with special incentives) for your residents. It’s easier than you think to set up!
Want some more info on outreach marketing? Click on the banner below to check out our outreach foundational guide.
Do it in a few simple steps
Make a list of 10-15 businesses that you know your residents frequent.
Think grocery stores, restaurants, coffee shops, dry cleaners, pet daycares, beauty services, fitness centers, etc.
Set a day to visit those businesses to propose a cross-promotion.
Pro Tips:
Call to set appointments in advance.
Dress it up! You are part of the pitch, so remember to rock the outfit that gives you the most confidence.
Know what to say! Remember that you add huge value. You represent the buying power of your entire community.
What is it worth to those businesses to get additional eyeballs and traffic to their business?
Print out the sample NEIGHBORHOOD PERKS GUIDE to show them how their offer would be presented to residents.
Don’t have time to visit businesses in person? Do a social promo.
Grab the social media graphic below and post regularly to your social channels.
Pro Tips:
Tag businesses you would love to partner with.
Send the graphic directly via Facebook’s Instant Messenger or Instagram's Direct Message. Don’t forget to include a personal note. Ex: We love [Insert Business Name] and we know our residents at [Insert Your Apartment Name] would love to know about you. I’m [Insert Your Name and Title]. We are creating a neighborhood guide for our [Insert Number of Residents] residents and would love to include you. Can we set up a time to chat further?
Once you’ve finalized your partnerships, order your customized Neighborhood Perks Guide here.
Add it to your move-in packets.
Share it with prospects as an additional closing tool.
Post about it on social media regularly to continue to add value to your residents and local businesses.
Grab this flyer here (use for resident retention)
Grab this flyer here (use for outreach)