DOGTOR Appreciation Gifts

Sprout team favorite!

You know what they say, Dogtor knows best! Ok maybe not, but when it comes to being spoiled, they certainly know just what to prescribe! Shower your resident furry friends with love with these simple gift ideas.

And we didn’t forget the pet parents! Check out our plush Dogtor blanket that both dog and resident will enjoy.

These adorable designs are hand drawn by our own talented Sprout Artist, Autumn, and inspired by the team's fur babies.

Dogtor Toys

Dogtor Treats

Additional Designs

Click to Download

Dogtor Blanket

“I recommend an aggressive regimen of cuddles and snuggles”

This plush blanket makes the perfect gift for pet-friendly communities!

Get it HERE in the Sprout Shop.

Approved by Dr. Cotton, the pup who modeled for the Dogtor blanket 🐶